
Ministries for Adults

Adults have many opportunities to learn, fellowship, worship and serve at LCC.

Our Church Mission Statement reflects these opportunities.

We seek to worship God, tell others about Jesus Christ, nurture new believers and grow together in the knowledge and love of our Savior.

We're thankful for all of our committee's! They are always welcoming new volunteers!

Worship Committee

Our Worship Committee plans our special worship services and does a great job lining up the praise music for our services. They also line up special music on Sundays. Past events have included concerts, prayer nights, and community worship services.

Outreach Committee

Our Outreach Committee stays busy keeping us informed about the missionaries we support, bringing up opportunities to give during the Holiday Helper Gift Drive for kids in need during the Christmas season, heading up Operation Christmas Child, hosting a blood drive every year and the baby bottle campaign. They set up a Compassion Child Sunday and creatively find ways to help send kids to Bluewater Bible Camp, along with hosting Good News Club for our youth, they also go to the nursing home a couple times a year to visit and serve snacks.

Education Committee

Our Education Committee does a lot of work planning Sunday School, Confirmation and VBS. They have hosted the most amazing Live Nativity for us at Christmas, hauling loads of animals, setting up pens and serving a wonderful meal after planning the Sunday School Christmas Program.

Fellowship Committee

Our Fellowship Committee plans events throughout the year and makes sure there is always a serving committee available. There are too many awesome past events to list them all, but some were picnics, movies nights, baptism night meal and sing along at Lake Bronson, Christmas events and special meals throughout the year.

Adult Sunday School

Along with being able to serve on these committees, we offer Adult Sunday School at 9:00am during the school year and some studies too. Those not on committee's regularly step up to help with random events throughout the year, serve in the tech booth and in the nursery.

Bible Studies & Small Groups (email us for more info - sign-ups are open in the church foyer)

  • Monday Nights: Community Bible Study in Hallock at The Station (senior center) at 7:00pm and the study concludes by 8pm. Bring your own bible, if you want, and invite your friends - it's open to everyone!
  • Tuesday Nights: Women's Small Group at LCC at 7pm. (open to all : currently meeting)
  • Thursday Mornings: Women's Small Group at LCC at 9:00am. (open to all: beginning Sept 26 - materials needed].)
  • Sunday Nights: Caring for God's People - Part 2: Soul Care (open to all: beginning Jan 12th @ 6:30pm)
  • Sunday Evenings: Couple's Small Group (open to couples: beginning October 6 @ 6pm)
  • First Saturday of Every Month: Stitching & Faith - Fiber Arts Fellowship (beginning Oct 5 @ 2pm)
  • Thursday Mornings: Jesus & Bacon - Men's Bible Study @ W's Diner (beginning Oct 31st @ 6am)

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