
Lancaster Covenant Church's Leadership

Meet the team:

Church Officers

  • Dan Jaszczak- Church Chair
  • James Diamond- Vice Chair
  • Kari Olson- Council Secretary
  • Molly Whitlock - Treasurer


  • Jason Gohman
  • Shawn Lyberg
  • Garret Gjesdal
  • Sue Hilman
  • Jen Schmiedeberg
  • Mike Whitlock


  • Betty Weleski
  • Kathy Bernstrom
  • Alex Johnson
  • Mark Przekwas
  • Shelby Retief
  • Kristi Steen
  • Jon Eerkes
  • Mark Larson

Education Committee

  • Melissa Gohman
  • Heather Hanson
  • Cheri Lyberg
  • Jen Schmiedeberg
  • Kristi Steen
  • Bev Swenson
  • Greg Wilson

Outreach Committee

  • Jeanne Laude
  • Curtis Nyegaard
  • Faye Potrament
  • Megan Przekwas
  • Dan Stumberg
  • Linda Thompson
  • Sandy Wilson
  • Alex Johnson

Worship Committee

  • Mary Diamond
  • Mitch Haaby
  • Nikki Larson
  • Janelle Nyegaard
  • John Nyegaard
  • Jacki Przekwas
  • Betty Weleski
  • Kathy Bernstrom

Fellowship Committee

  • Alison Diamond
  • Jody Peterson
  • Shelby Retief
  • Mark Przekwas
  • Madyson Diamond

Pastoral Relations Committee

  • Kathy Bernstrom
  • Mitch Haaby
  • Sue Hilman
  • Dan Jaszczak
  • Denise Strege
  • Cheri Sullivan
  • Mike Whitlock
  • James Diamond

Meet the Pastor:

Email Pastor Mitch

Pastor Mitch Haaby

Mitch Haaby was born and raised just an hour east of Lancaster in another small town: Roseau. After high school, Mitch travelled around earning his undergraduate degree through a variety of education: University of North Dakota, Covenant Bible College, Providence College, and eventually Rocky Mountain College out in Alberta, Canada. After completing his Bachelor of Arts in Human Services: Counseling Psychology degree, God began to get ahold of Mitch's attention in a whole new way and while he was working in a juvenile detention center, he realized that there was a key element missing: GOD.

Mitch grew up in the Roseau Covenant Church and had been a believer nearly his entire life, but at age 24, he was nudged strongly to ask God what he wanted Mitch to be doing. From that point, it became clear that the call to ministry that God had placed on Mitch's life seemed just like a chain reaction. Pieces continued to fall into place and in 2007 he began working full-time back at his home church in Roseau, as the Youth Pastor.

After seven years of wonderful ministry, Mitch headed to North Park Theological Seminary - the Evangelical Covenant Church's only Seminary, located in Chicago. While at Seminary, Mitch met his beautiful wife, Jena. They were married in 2016. After studying at NPTS for three years, he graduated with his Master of Divinity degree and accepted an Associate Pastor position at Cedarbrook Church in Menomonie, WI.

After six more years of great ministry with Cedarbrook, Mitch accepted the call to be the Pastor of Lancaster Covenant Church in the spring of 2023. Mitch and his family moved up in the end of July and he began in August, taking the place of Pastor Galen Nordin, who was an amazing servant of God - a deep well of humility and wisdom. As big as those shoes will be to fill, Mitch and Jena along with their four girls, are so very excited to be "home" - knowing that God has orchestrated every last detail of this calling.

Mitch is looking forward to getting to know everyone in the community and embracing life up north again. You might spot him exploring the woods, running trail cameras, looking for shed antlers, or simply introducing his girls to the outdoors. Feel free to stop him after service and introduce yourself or just chat about whatever's on your heart. He'd love to get to know you better!


The values we believe in as a Covenant Church

Centrality of the Word of God

“The Holy Scripture, the Old and the New Testament, is the Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct.”

The Covenant has a deep history of always asking, "Where is it written?".

The Necessity of New Birth

When the Covenant Church affirms that it is evangelical, it proclaims that the new birth in Jesus Christ is essential. We teach that “by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God conquered sin, death, and the devil, offering forgiveness for sin and assuring eternal life for those who follow Christ.” New birth is more than the experience of forgiveness and acceptance. It is regeneration and the gift of eternal life. This life has the qualities of love and righteousness as well as joy and peace.

A Commitment to the Whole Mission of the Church

The earliest name attributed to Covenanters was “Mission Friends,” people who covenanted together for the purpose of common mission both far and near. This is the legacy of Pietism, which was instrumental in pioneering the Protestant missionary movement. 

The Church as a Fellowship of Believers

Luther saw the ideal church as a gathering of those who confess faith in Jesus Christ, commit themselves to each other, and submit to no authority other than Jesus Christ, the Lord of the church. The Covenant Church seeks to realize the value of this ideal.

Conscious Dependence on the Holy Spirit

The Covenant Church, rooted in historic Christianity, affirms one God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit continues the creative work of the Father and the redeeming work of the Son within the life of the church. It is for this reason the Covenant Church has emphasized the continuing work of the Spirit. 

The Reality of Freedom in Christ

Authentic freedom manifests itself in a right relationship with God and others. It is for this reason that freedom in Christ is so highly valued in the Covenant Church. Freedom is a gift of God in Christ to all who are willing to receive it. “If you continue in my word,” said Jesus, “you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”.

Covenant Affirmations Full Booklet
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